Niger has adopted a strategic vision that is embodied by the Niger 2035 Strategy for Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth (SDDCI). This vision is driven by the Nigerien people as a whole, in addition to leaders from every level of society. It will serve as a reference for all Government actions and strategies until 2035. The SDDCI is the path for a future voluntarily built on strategic orientations that are widely shared and accessible.
The vision of Niger in 2035 is that of a united, democratic, and modern country, peaceful,
prosperous and proud of its cultural values, supported by sustainable, fair and balanced
in a united and solidary Africa
In terms of design and implementation, the Niger 2035 SDDCI marks a break with previous development strategies. It proposes to go beyond the immediate and emergency situations to build the future around a collective undertaking, that of a people united by common values and ambitions. The strategy is built around 6 priorities (5 + 1):
domestic security:
modernisation of the State;
rural modernization and revitalization;
development of human capital;
development of a dynamic private sector;
demographic transition.
This strategy will be implemented through a series of 5-year plans, the first being the 2017-2021 Social and Economic Development Plan (PDES).
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