• Sector: ICT

  • Type: Public

  • Project manager: National Agency for the Information Society (ANSI)

  • Estimated cost (USD): USD 100 million

  • Estimated cost (FCFA): FCFA 50 billion

In terms of internet access, Niger is one of the lowest ranked countries on the continent. Therefore, it intends to rise to the ICT challenge by providing digital access to all villages. In this view, the State plans to build smart villages. This project is part of the President of the Republic’s Renaissance II programme. The aim is to increase national coverage to 100% and the penetration rate to 70, by improving infrastructure and creating an incentive and promotion framework for young entrepreneurs in the ICT sector.


  • Improvement of public services and governance;
  • Social and financial inclusion (biometric ID; civil status, e-payment);
  • Modernisation of the economy (e-Commerce);
  • Improvement of sanitary coverage (e-health, early warning, awareness raising, digital medical records).


Project Design: State Technical and financial partner

Funding: State Technical and financial partner

Implementation: State Technical and financial partner

Operations: State Technical and financial partner

Risk sharing: State Technical and financial partner